New year new offers
Because of the popularity of this offer we have decided to run it again this month. Drop in 4 products at our studio in Newcastle, we will photograph these to our usual high standard, do the graphic design work for you and deliver to you a platinum pop up stand.
The platinum pop up stand is top of the range quality and very robust. It can be re-skinned for updated products. Re-skinning is not possible with cheaper pop up models. It also comes with a useful carrying case. A booking fee of £50 is required at the time of placing the order. Photography can be carried out up to end of March.
Orders should be placed no later than 10 Feb.
If you are not familiar with our work, please visit our portfolio which contains many varied samples of work for other designer makers.
Two product shots (including up to two details) for the price of one - £72.00 inc VAT.
Apologies jewellers - unfortunately we cannot make the same offer for jewellery shots. Please enquire about a separate jewellery offer. Also certain other products may require special quotation on inspection as they may be more time consuming to photograph.
To take advantage of our February offers or to obtain a quote for another project please email us or call 028 43 72 7171.
We are planning to run a product photography workshop for makers wanting to photograph their own work. Provisional date 23 March 2017, 2.00pm. The workshop will last 2 hours and will cost £35 per person.
Please call 07528 393 773 or email us to register your interest.
Photo shoot of the month - Lowden Guitars
Lowden 'Genesis' guitar photographed by Vizz Creative
George Lowden makes high quality acoustic guitars, and has been doing so since the 1970s. Based in Downpatrick, his guitars are highly prized around the world and it has been a great pleasure photographing several of these beautiful instruments. The guitar displayed is thought to be the most expensive guitar ever made in the UK - handling it was just a little scary!